Records in this series pertain to the SS-Deutsche Wirtschaftsbetriebe enterprises and their business activities. Included are copies of records concerning profits and losses, amount of production, capital, capacity, and organization and purpose of the Deutsche Wirstchaftsbetriebe subsidiary companies in the following industries: stone, ceramic, cement, cinder block, glassware and pores lain, publication, fruit, vitamin, mineral water, and food. Also included are files containing general correspondence pertaining to daily operations of SS enterprises and reports concerning the organization and mission of the branch offices; files relating to administrative expenses of various Deutsche Wirtschaftsbetriebe enterprises; information bulletins; SS Economic and Administrative Office material pertaining to business and financial activities of various Deutsche Wirtschaftsbetriebe enterprises; files of the SS Economic and Administrative Office containing personnel records and data pertaining to staff members of various Deutsche Wirtschaftsbetriebe enterprises and offices, pay scales for various positions and occupations, transfers of personnel, applications for jobs, promotions, training, replacements, and other personnel matters; SS Economic and Administrative Office folder containing reports on members of various Deutsche Wirtschaftsbetriebe enterprises who were awarded medals and decorations (Kriegsverdienstkreuz) for outstanding services; files of the SS Economic and Administrative Office containing monthly and yearly sales statistics for various Deutsche Wirtschaftsbetriebe enterprises involving concentration camps Dachau, Mauthausen, Natzweiler, Gross Rosen, Buchenwald, and Oranienburg and pertaining to stone, brick, porcelain and ceramics, furniture, mineral water, food processing, textile, leather, and publishing industries; an Economic and Administrative Office file containing financial statistics and reports, 1941-43, on SS stone quarry enterprises, and the employment in the stone quarries of concentration camp inmates from Treblinka, Auschwitz, Blizyn, Flossenbuerg, Mauthausen, Gross Rosen, Oranienburg, Natzweiler, and others; SS Economic and Administrative Office material containing information bulletins about administrative and personnel matters, taxes, public health, social welfare, and depreciation rates for armament contracts; and other records.